Thursday 14 January 2016


Ramon Llull
This Wednesday, The Holmes have had an intensive day.

First, they’ve listened to The Grandma who has talked about the importance of Majorca Island in the Middle-age paying attention to Ramon Llull, Arnau de Vilanova and Abraham Cresques.

Second, they’ve read a new chapter of Oscar Wilde’s The Ghost of Canterbury.

Next, they’ve practised about how to resume a long story and create a plot using the most important information: Who? What? Where? When?

Then, they’ve worked in a rescue plan for Luisa choosing the best options; leaving the worst ones and, the most important, thinking in the inconvenient, dangers and possible problems to avoid all of them and be successful. They must have used some different kind of transport.
After that, some members of the family have done some exercises about Present Simple and Social English.

Finally, The Holmes have played together. Scattergories has been the chosen game.

What you don't see with your eyes, 
don't invent with your mouth.

 Jewish Proverb

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