Friday, 15 January 2016


The Panthocrator of Taüll, Alta Ribagorça
Today, The Holmes have read another new chapter of Oscar Wilde's The Ghost of Canterville. It seems that the ghost is a little desperate with his new American family.

Next, they've listened to a new Grandma's story. This time it has been about Gypsy Culture and religious symbols like Pantocrator and the Black Virgins.

After that, they've gone shopping to practise countable & uncountable. They also have written a shopping list paying attention to money (coins & bills) and numbers (decimals and fractions).

Finally, they’ve started a new manual about Telephoning in English and they have practised some listening.

This weekend, they’re preparing a new journey. They want to go to Italy, from south –Sicily- to north -Milano, Verona, Siena, Pisa, Venice and Florence-, stopping in the way in Naples and Rome.   
I have two masters: God and the Devil.
 I work for the Devil until lunch, then I follow the Lord.

 Gypsy Proverb

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