Friday 15 January 2016


The Panthocrator of Taüll, Alta Ribagorça
Today, The Holmes have read another new chapter of Oscar Wilde’s The Ghost of Canterville. It seems that the ghost is a little desperate with his new American family.

Next, they’ve listened to a new Grandma’s story. This time it has been about Gypsy Culture and religious symbols like Pantocrator and the Black Virgins.

After that, they’ve gone shopping to practise countable & uncountable. They also have written a shopping list paying attention to money (coins & bills) and numbers (decimals and fractions).

Finally, they’ve started a new manual about Telephoning in English and they have practised some listening.

This weekend, they’re preparing a new journey. They want to go to Italy, from south –Sicily- to north -Milano, Verona, Siena, Pisa, Venice and Florence-, stopping in the way in Naples and Rome.
I have two masters: God and the Devil.
 I work for the Devil until lunch, then I follow the Lord.

 Gypsy Proverb

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