Friday 8 January 2016


This Friday, The Holmes have visited Himeji Castle in Hyōgo. It has been another unforgettable day plenty of smiles. They’ve taken lots of photos of this castle which is considered one of the most beautiful of Japan.

Himeji is known as White Heron Castle because of the distinctive shape formed by its white wooden tiers. It dates back to 1346, it’s perched on a hill and its maze with a defensive design is a powerful symbol of Japanese feudalism. In 1993, the UNESCO included it in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Vote for Lydia
During the visit, the family has received some fantastic news: Lydia Holmes, the politician of the family, has won the elections in her town and she will be the next mayor. There has been an explosion of happiness and joyful but also a sad sensation because this means that they must return to Barcelona immediately.

Now, they’re flying back to the Mediterranean city but before leaving Japan they've wanted to offer gratitude to their Japanese friends: the group of Japanese girls who have been their guides all these days. With a little reverence, like Japanese-style, they’ve said thanks (りがとう Arigatō) and goodbye (さようなら Sayōnara).

Keizoku wa chikara nari
Persevere and never fear
 Japanese Proverb  

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