Tuesday 16 May 2023


-Good morning, Toni Granger, and thanks to attend us.

-Good morning. It's a pleasure.

-Well, how do you define yourself?

-I'm a person who loves sports, especially rugby, an athlete. I'm very competitive and I like fair play.

-How do you feel being a member of The Grangers?

-It's a great and big family. We're always together and we try to help each other because we believe in common work.

-How is a normal day with The Grangers?

-There isn't a normal day. Every day is an opportunity to do something different and exciting but basically, we are learning English and this is the centre of all.

-How long have you been studying English?

-Since Primary School but the level at school was terrible, and when you don't live in an English-spoken environment is very difficult to remember and practise all things that you've learnt.

-How do you reach success?

-Working hard and believing in you. Being constant and accepting good advice and refusing bad ones.

-What can you explain about your life with The Grangers?

-Well, we're sailing in the same boat and we have the same objective. We're working very hard to reach it.

-And after?

-Life continues. Every Granger will take his/her path and this family will have been a good experience, something to remember with a big laugh.

-Which is your best memory with the family?

-It's not possible to choose only one but, perhaps, I would choose when we stayed at Giants Stadium in New York. It was an unforgettable experience.

-Which is your next goal?

I like to visit my grandparents' hometown, in Galiza, and perhaps start a new life there. I have Celtic roots and I feel really well when I stay in this magic town. 

-You have said, you like reading and watching cinema. Could you talk about the last book that you have read?

-I've read an interesting book about Baldiri Aleu, the Catalan veterinary and rugby player.

-Which is your favourite film?

-I like lots of films but one of my preferred is Interestellar, a great masterpiece about life.

-What would you say to children who want to be a professional player?

-Every sport needs discipline, effort and follow the trainer instructions. You don't play alone. You belong to a team and you must work for it because you must work together. If the team wins, all people win and if the team loses, all people lose. Partnership, confidence, honesty and trust are very important to arrive to be not only a good football player but a good person. Sport must create good people because you can arrive to be a mirror for thousands, millions of other children and you must offer strong values.

-What do you like to improve in rugby?

-For one hand, I think new technology must applicate in professional leagues because, it's a pity, but in these levels, rugby is a business and you can lose a lot of money only because of a wrong decision of the referee. Technology could be the solution like in the American Football League. For other hand, I think we must work very hard to impulse female rugby. In general, female presence in sport is underestimated and it's a terrible mistake. We must change it.

-Tell me song to finish this interview...

-Paloma Faith's 'World in Union'.

-Thank you very much, Tony Granger.

-You're welcome.

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The shortest word for me is I,
the sweetest word for me is LOVE,
but the only word for me is Rugby.


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