Wednesday 11 September 2024


Donec perficiam is a Latin motto that means until you succeed, until you achieve it.

It was the motto of the Royal Catalan Guards (Reials Guàrdies Catalanes)  -the body guard of King Charles III -during the War of Succession

The Royal Catalan Guards were under the command of the Marquis of Foix, Colonel Antoni de Peguera i d'Aimeric, an enlightened military man who had been a member of the Academy of the Distrusted (Acadèmia dels Desconfiats), and framed the brave Vigatans who on the day of Santa Creu de Crist in 1705 (May 3) started the military uprising to overthrow Philip V of Bourbon.

The motto signified the idea that, despite the setbacks and defeats, they would never give up, but would persist in the fight until they succeed, that is, until the final victory is achieved.

The Catalan Black Flag or Black Star is based on the black flag of the Catalan Austrian side during the War of Succession and the siege of Barcelona in 1714, as a sign of not giving up and fighting without respite. They added the five-pointed star of the estelada, and a sautor (cross) like the one on the Santa Eulalia de Barcelona flag.

It represents relentless struggle. Therefore, the color is the opposite of the white flag, the traditional signal of surrender.

Donec Perficiam

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