Saturday 18 June 2016


Keep Calm
Yesterday, The Poppins continued their studies in Labour Integration. While the family was learning new skills to find a job, The Grandma put her business in order. The course is arriving to the end and The Grandma is closing affairs and preparing new objectives for her family, one of them, how to pass a speaking with success.

A PET Exam isn’t an easy thing, especially when the student has been a lot of years without revising the subject. The Grandma is going to explain how to create a microtale, a good tool to practise in the speaking.

A microtale is a short story where the most important is answering the elemental questions: Who? Where? When? What? with a few words and using an easy vocabulary to feel comfortable during the speaking and avoid nerves and hysterias.

It’s usually a first person and real story where the main character is the narrator. This microtale is often plenty of hilarious situations and lots of sense of humour. The objective of this story is to explain something that can be controlled by the narrator and creates a point of empathy between the student and the examiner. The Grandma has practised this technique during all her travels with The Poppins. She has explained lots of short stories to her family and she has always tried to connect every story with a present fact. 

Finally, The Grandma has prepared some new material for The Poppins. For one hand, attending to Susana Poppins, she has written a small dictionary about Commercial Vocabulary and for other hand, attending to Isa Poppins, she has created a resume of some Verb Tenses.

The Poppins are finishing their trip in Washington DC and they're going to travel to Switzerland where The Grandma hopes to arrive tomorrow evening.

Download Verb Tenses  

There were people who said the Society of Cincinnati
in the American revolution, of which George Washington
was one of the shining lights, was a branch of the Illuminati.

Caroll Quigley

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