Saturday 31 March 2018


Ron Weasley
Ronald Bilius "Ron" Weasley was a pure-blood wizard, the sixth and youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, née Prewett. He was also the younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and the elder brother of Ginny. Ron and his brothers and sister lived at the Burrow, on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole.

Ron inherited the typical Weasley family traits: fiery red hair and a freckled complexion. When he became embarrassed, his ears notably turned red. He had blue eyes, a long nose, and was described as being very tall and lanky, with big hands and feet. In this way, his stature was similar to those of his older brothers Bill and Percy, rather than the heavily built Charlie, and Fred and George.

More information: Wizarding World

His sister Ginny once joked to the trio that Ron had a Pygmy Puff tattoo, though it is doubtful that the remark had any truth in it.

Ron Weasley
Ron was a very funny person, but often emotionally immature, and insensitive. He had a sardonic, wisecracking sense of humour that often brought his friends laughter and relaxation. 

However, as Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood pointed out, his humour could occasionally be hurtful, even if unintentionally. Hermione was frequently frustrated with Ron's immaturity, once commenting that he had the emotional range of a teaspoon. During his time searching for Voldemort's Horcruxes with Harry and Hermione, Ron matured greatly, and even took to leading the trio when Harry temporarily fell into a depressive mood.

More information: HP Lexicon

Ron's character was also marked by moodiness and insecurity. He could be argumentative, a trait particularly displayed in his bickering with Hermione. He also had a fierce temper, which was especially prone to provocation if his loved ones were insulted, and was not above undermining the ways of wizarding kind during confrontations.  

Ron Weasley
Ron frequently demonstrated great bravery in attempting to protect those he loved, from facing his arachnophobia to stand by Harry in his second year to trying to take Hermione's place when Bellatrix Lestrange isolated her for interrogation with the Cruciatus Curse.

Ron began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. He soon became best friends with fellow student Harry Potter and later Hermione Granger. 

Together, they faced many challenges during their adolescence, including keeping the Philosopher's Stone from Professor Quirinus Quirrell, saving Ginny from the Basilisk of the Chamber of Secrets, saving Harry's godfather Sirius Black from the Dementors of Azkaban, guiding Harry through the Triwizard Tournament, forming Dumbledore's Army and fighting in numerous battles of the Second Wizarding War: including the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and Battle of the Seven Potters.

Ron Weasley
Ronald Bilius Weasley was born to Arthur and Molly Weasley, née Prewett, at the height of the First Wizarding War. 

During the first war his maternal uncles Fabian and Gideon Prewett, both members of the Order of the Phoenix, were murdered while fighting a group of four Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov. While he was still a toddler, the war ended for a time after Lord Voldemort's first defeat at the hands of Ron's classmate-to-be Harry Potter.

Ron and his five older brothers -Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George- as well as his younger sister, Ginny, grew up in The Burrow on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England. Like all his siblings, he was home educated in reading, writing and simple maths by his mother. 

The Weasley family was not wealthy at all, compared to other wizarding families. Many other pure-blood families, particularly the Malfoys, disdained them for their blood traitor beliefs and lack of wealth. They tried their best to make up for this with their love.

The Weasley siblings, especially Fred and George, were fond of teasing and playing pranks on each other, and Ron was a particular target for Fred and George. They once transfigured Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, sparking his arachnophobia. 

Ron Weasley
On another occasion, the twins nearly got him to make an Unbreakable Vow, which finally made their father truly furious, and Fred would later state that his left buttock has never been the same since after the row that ensued. 

They also once got him to eat an Acid Pop which burnt a hole through his tongue. When Ron was younger, he had a pet rat named Scabbers, whom he had inherited from Percy. This rat was actually Peter Pettigrew, a traitor to all wizard kind.

Ron was very fond of Scabbers, but wasn't sad to let him go when he found out the truth about his old rat. Ron had a fairly happy childhood, which Harry, who had been brought up by his spiteful relatives the Dursleys, envied. To compensate for their impoverishment, Ron's mother indulged him in three delicious meals daily. This became so habitual that missing a meal in later life would irritate Ron.

More information: Hello Giggles

Ron began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the customary age of eleven. He was Sorted into Gryffindor House, like every other Weasley. On his first trip on the Hogwarts Express, Ron met and became friends with the famous wizard Harry Potter

Harry let him share his carriage on the Hogwarts Express and purchased a large amount of wizarding snacks from the Hogwarts Express food trolley to share with him. Later on, Harry would stand up for Ron against Slytherin bully Draco Malfoy and Ron would elect to be his second for a midnight duel.

Ron Weasley
Ron and Harry first met Hermione Granger on the train but Ron did not particularly take to her.  

Ron, especially, was annoyed by what he saw as Hermione showing off her knowledge of magic, such as when she corrected him on the pronunciation of the incantation Wingardium Leviosa. Prior to the Hallowe'en feast, Ron said that she was a know-it-all and did not have any friends. Hermione overheard and went running to the girl's bathroom in tears. 

That evening, during the Hallowe'en feast, it was announced that a mountain troll was loose in the school. Ron and Harry came to Hermione's rescue after hearing that she was in trouble, and she, in return, lied to protect them from Professor McGonagall. The three then became friends.

More information: Bustle (I)

During their first year, the three of them learnt that the Philosopher's Stone was being hidden in Hogwarts and sought to protect it from being stolen by Severus Snape, whom the young wizards believed to be working for Lord Voldemort. Ron's talent in Wizard's Chess allowed them to pass one of the obstacles protecting the stone, which was a life-sized game.  

Ron Weasley
Ron sacrificed himself as a game piece so Harry could place the enemy king in checkmate, allowing Harry and Hermione to move on. Ultimately, it was discovered that Professor Quirrell was trying to steal the stone for Voldemort. 

Harry succeeded in defeating him and protecting the Philosopher's Stone, and Ron was awarded fifty House points by Albus Dumbledore for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, allowing Gryffindor to win the House Cup for the first time in seven years.

Ron also became a Gryffindor prefect and a Keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team during his fifth year at Hogwarts. He skipped his last year of school in order to accompany Harry and Hermione on a hunt to destroy all of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which he lost his brother Fred, a loss which devastated him and his family, especially George, his twin.

More information: Bustle (II)

Having not heard from Harry Potter, Ron, Fred and George Weasley, in a planned scheme to rescue him from 4 Privet Drive, drove Arthur Weasley's flying Ford Anglia to the Muggle town of Little Whinging and tore the bars from Harry's bedroom window using the car's horsepower.

Ron Weasley and his brothers and sister
Ron helped Harry get his things in the car, and they left for the Weasley House. Upon landing Ron and his brothers were ratted out by Molly Weasley for having taken such a risky course of action. 

At the start of that year's school term, Ron and Harry missed the Hogwarts Express due to the tricks of Dobby the house-elf and were forced to use the Ford Anglia to travel to Hogwarts. At the end of their journey, the car failed, causing the boys to crash-land into the Whomping Willow. They were nearly killed when the tree shook, and the car jettisoned them and took off into the Forbidden Forest, where it remained.

After Voldemort rose to power and the Second Wizarding War began, Dumbledore reformed the Order of the Phoenix. The Order moved into their headquarters at 12 Grimmauld Place with the Weasley schoolchildren and Hermione Granger, where they helped Molly Weasley clean the old house and remained watchful for information about Harry. Harry arrived at the headquarters after a Dementor attack on his cousin. Ron felt sorry that he had to keep Harry oblivious to the Order's plan and soon learnt that Harry's anger had been growing due to his isolation from his friends and his persecution by the media.

Ron never received a seventh year of education at Hogwarts. Ron married Hermione, and later the couple had two children: Rose and Hugo. Ron was also the godfather and uncle of Harry and Ginny's oldest son. At some point, Ron, Harry, and Hermione were all featured on Chocolate Frog Cards for their accomplishments, which Ron considered his finest hour.

More information: The Telegraph

Don’t let it worry you. It’s me, I’m extremely famous.
Ron Weasley

Friday 30 March 2018


Draco Malfoy
Draco Lucius Malfoy was a pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, née Black. The son of a Death Eater, Draco was raised to believe strongly in the importance of blood purity. 

He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin House

During his years at Hogwarts, he became friends with Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, and other fellow Slytherins, but he quickly developed a rivalry with Harry Potter.

More information: Pottermore

Draco was a slender boy with sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. He was described to have haughty good looks. As an older man, his hairline was receding, making his features look even more pointed. 

In his first and second years he had blonde hair slicked tightly back. Draco is noted to strongly resemble his father. When Draco joined the Death Eaters, Lord Voldemort had the Dark Mark burned into his left forearm, which has since faded to a mere scar upon Voldemort's death.

Draco Malfoy
Draco was, in general, an arrogant, spiteful bully. Like Dudley Dursley, his narcissistic nature most likely stemmed from his being spoiled by his parents throughout his childhood, though according to Harry himself, Draco is even less sympathetic than his cousin. 

He believed himself superior to most people because of his family's pure-blood lineage as well as great wealth and social standing. He frequently behaved cruelly to Muggle-borns, so-called blood traitors, Gryffindor students, and anyone who was a supporter of Harry Potter or Albus Dumbledore. 

For much of his youth, Draco took after his bigoted father, Lucius Malfoy, as a role model, and frequently boasted about his family's influence and wealth. 

During the first five years of school Draco maintained a relatively healthy look. However, in his sixth year onward, when the stress of his mission was getting more intense, Draco's smug countenance was lost, and he became quite thin, with dark shadows under his eyes and a greyish tinge to his skin.

More information: HP Lexicon

As an adult, Draco let his hair grow long and started wearing it in a precisely placed ponytail.

Draco Malfoy
He was made a prefect of his house and was a member of the Inquisitorial Squad during his fifth year, at the end of which his father was imprisoned in Azkaban following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. 

Lord Voldemort charged Draco with making up for Lucius's failure, and he became a Death Eater at age sixteen, but was quickly disillusioned with the lifestyle. Draco was unable to complete his task -murdering Albus Dumbledore, which was taken over by Severus Snape- and only performed his other duties fearfully and reluctantly. He and his family defected hours before the end of the Second Wizarding War fearing for their lives.

More information: Screen Rant

Draco was raised in an atmosphere of regret that the Lord Voldemort had not succeeded in taking command of the wizarding community, although he was prudently reminded that such sentiments ought not to be expressed outside the small circle of the family and their close friends or Daddy might get into trouble

The Malfoys were very proud of their Pure-blood and social status;  they were able to maintain a respectable public image while being allied with Lord Voldemort. 

Draco Malfoy
Lucius was a Death Eater who avoided imprisonment in Azkaban following the First Wizarding War by claiming that he have been under the Imperius Curse, while Narcissa merely agreed with the ideology of pure-blood supremacy. 

The Malfoys spoiled their son, giving him the best of everything as far as material possessions go. The only two hand-me-down things Draco ever received were the old family prejudice against Muggles, Muggle-borns, half-breeds, and blood traitors -in short, prejudice against anyone who was not a pure-blood wizardkind, or anyone who supports these types of people- and the Malfoy family's waste collection of powerful dark artefacts harking back to the family history.

In childhood, Draco associated mainly with the pure-blood children of his father's ex-Death Eater cronies, and therefore arrived at Hogwarts with a small gang of friends already made, including Theodore Nott and Vincent Crabbe.

More information: The Guardian

When the time came for Draco to attend school, his father wanted him to attend Durmstrang Institute, a school in Northern Europe that taught the Dark Arts and did not admit Muggle-borns. However, his mother did not like the idea of Draco going to school far away, thus they sent him to Hogwarts.

Draco Malfoy
When Draco went to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies, he met Harry Potter in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, without knowing who he was. He made a rather intolerant speech about Muggle-borns and Rubeus Hagrid, but otherwise acted in quite a friendly manner towards Harry Potter

Afterwards, on the Hogwarts Express, he offered his friendship to Harry as his father believed that Harry was a Dark wizard, and Draco wished to impress him and relay some interesting news home. 

However, Harry didn't like the attitude Draco expressed towards Ron Weasley, with whom Harry had already made friends, and also found that Draco reminded him of his cousin Dudley, with his disdainful attitude. Thus, he turned him down, creating animosity that lasted through the rest of their schooling.

More information: Time

Once at Hogwarts, Draco was Sorted into the Slytherin House, like many other members of his family. He rapidly formed friendships with fellow Slytherins, while remaining hostile toward Harry to the point of challenging him to a duel. 

This was, in fact, an attempt to get Harry into trouble for being out after curfew. He resented the attention Harry received because of his fame and his prodigious flying ability, which led to Harry being permitted to join his house's Quidditch team at a younger age than most.

Draco Malfoy
In his second year at Hogwarts, Draco attained the position of Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team. His father bought the entire team new Nimbus 2001s because of this, though Hermione Granger openly speculated that this was in fact what got Draco on the team at all.  

Draco responded angrily to this accusation, and called Hermione a filthy little Mudblood, causing the Gryffindor Quidditch team to lash out at him; Ron tried to hex him to vomit slugs, but the spell backfired due to his broken wand.

Draco started off his third year by mocking Harry's reaction to the Dementors that were near Hogwarts that year searching for escaped Azkaban prisoner Sirius Black, despite being terrified of them himself. He also hinted at Black's crimes regarding Harry and his late parents, which Harry was unaware of for some time, and told him that if someone had betrayed and gotten his parents killed -as it was believed Black had done to the Potters- he would seek revenge.

More information: Bustle

Draco became a Slytherin prefect along with Pansy Parkinson. He was sure to mock Harry Potter for not receiving the same honour, as Gryffindor's prefects were Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. He also wrote the lyrics to the demeaning song Weasley is Our King, which mocked Ron's Quidditch abilities as Gryffindor Keeper. 

Draco Malfoy
It was the invention of this song, as well as insulting Molly and Arthur Weasley and the late Lily Potter to Harry, Fred, and George's faces that prompted Harry and George to get into a fight with Draco

They violently assault him, which resulted in the pair, as well as George's twin brother Fred,  being banned from all further Quidditch matches. Although their bans were later lifted after Dolores Umbridge's sacking from Hogwarts and her being put on suspension for her actions.

Draco's father was seen participating in the battle as a Death Eater and was imprisoned in Azkaban for his crimes. Draco was very upset by this, and mainly blamed Harry, swearing vengeance and attempting to attack him at the end of the school year with the help of Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. However, other D.A. members came to Harry's defence, resulting in Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle ending up looking like ugly slug-like things after being hit by a number of hexes by all D.A. Members at the same time.

More information: Cinema Blend

Draco joined the Death Eaters, having replaced his incarcerated father. He bragged about having been given a mission to his fellow Slytherin students on his way to school on the Hogwarts Express. 

However, as the year dragged on, Draco became increasingly afraid that he would fail in his seemingly impossible task -to kill Albus Dumbledore. It is implied that Draco was expected to fail and that Voldemort assigned him the task with the intention of punishing Lucius Malfoy for his failure at the Department of Mysteries. 

Draco Malfoy
The safety of his family rested on Draco's success with his mission. When Harry overhead some parts of Draco's conversation with his fellow Slytherins about the mission, Draco used a Full Body-Bind Curse to paralyse Harry and stomped hard on his face, crushing his nose, in revenge for imprisoning his father, Lucius, causing Harry to hate Draco more than ever, while disregarding what Harry heard as not important enough to condemn him.

Draco reluctantly participated in Death Eater activities before the beginning of the school year. Due to Draco's helpful role in Dumbledore's death, Voldemort liberated Lucius from Azkaban. He witnessed the murder of Charity Burbage and tortured Thorfinn Rowle on Lord Voldemort's orders. 

More information: Daily Mail
Judging by later remarks made by Vincent Crabbe, it seems that the Malfoys had lost much of their influence in the Death Eater circles. This is due to Voldemort no longer holding Lucius in high esteem and shifting his favour to Draco's maternal aunt Bellatrix Lestrange and Hogwarts teacher Severus Snape.

Draco Malfoy
Draco attended his seventh year of Hogwarts that year. During the Easter holidays, Draco was seen at home in Malfoy Manor. He was called upon by his parents and aunt Bellatrix Lestrange to confirm the identities of Harry, Ron and Hermione, who were caught by a group of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback, but Draco showed great hesitation in doing so. 

When Hermione lied to Bellatrix under torture about Godric Gryffindor's Sword, Draco was sent to fetch the goblin, Griphook, from the dungeons to get confirmation of the story, which he did by lying saying it was a fake, but the truth was it was the true sword.

Later in the evening, the prisoners managed to escape, and Draco's wand was taken by Harry. Afterwards, Draco and his family were detained to the Manor by Lord Voldemort. Narcissa would lend Draco her wand; it was powerful, yet it didn't understand him, as he had not won its loyalty. 

After Voldemort's defeat, Draco and his parents sat in the Great Hall, looking uncertain of their place during the victory celebrations.

More information: Refinery 29

You -the three of you- you shone you know? You liked each other. 
You had fun. I envied you those friendships more than anything else. 

Draco Malfoy

Thursday 29 March 2018


Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
Tom Marvolo Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort, was a half-blood wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard of all time. 

The only child and son of wealthy Muggle gentleman Tom and Merope Riddle, née Gaunt, via the coercive use of a Love Potion, Riddle was raised in the Muggle-run Wool's Orphanage after his father abandoned his new family on the streets of London when the potion's influence was lifted, and his mother died moments after giving birth to and naming him after his father and maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt.

More information: Pottermore
During his childhood and early adulthood, Tom Marvolo Riddle was tall and handsome, with pale skin, jet black hair, and dark eyes. When Harry saw him in the a memory in the Pensieve, he saw that there was no trace of the Gaunt family in his face, and that he was his father in miniature: tall for eleven years old, dark-haired and pale. Riddle's good looks continued to increase as he grew older, and he cunningly used them to charm many of the teachers at Hogwarts.

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
While in Wool's Orphanage, he wore the standard grey tunic as with all the other children, and switched over to the Hogwarts uniform when he attended the school, gaining the Prefect and Head Boy badges when he attained those positions. When he worked in Borgin and Burkes, he wore a simple black suit.

Voldemort was considered by many to be the most evil wizard in hundreds and hundreds of years. His nature far exceeded that of any common evildoer and Dumbledore stated that he went beyond normal evil in the extent of his crimes.

More information: HP Lexicon

Hagrid claimed that while all Dark Wizards go bad, Voldemort went worse than worse. Indeed, Voldemort speedily developed into a power-obsessed megalomaniac of the worst kind and the worst of any known Dark Wizard, even Gellert Grindelwald. These anti social traits were seen in his childhood, from stealing, to disturbing incidences with other orphans. Dumbledore stated that the young Riddle had a certain disregard for rules. In adult life, he performed the darkest of magic and had no regard for human life. He was a prolific killer, killing so many he created an army of Inferi.

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
He was highly intelligent, as evidenced by his top performance at Hogwarts and his tremendous magical achievements, but his interests were narrowly focused on the usefulness of people, objects, and powers to his goals. 

His inability to see the larger picture and inattention to events, powers and human traits that were not immediately useful to him was a serious flaw that led to most of his setbacks and ultimately his downfall.

More information: Screen Rant

Riddle began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin house. Some of his early activities included the opening of Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets and the use of its monster to attack Muggle-born students; several months' service as a purchasing agent for the Dark artefacts shop Borgin and Burkes; the ability to speak Parseltongue; and the attainment of immortality, a process begun upon the creation of his first Horcrux at the age of 16. 

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
Splitting his own spirit into a total of eight fragments, Lord Voldemort created seven Horcruxes; one unintentionally and without his knowledge, Harry Potter.

Abandoning his Muggle name, he became the self-proclaimed Lord Voldemort, which was an anagram of his birth name. He commanded a veritable army of wizards and Dark creatures, committed numerous murders personally and through his followers, and on one occasion nearly succeeded and on a later occasion did succeed in taking over the Ministry of Magic by installing a puppet Minister.
Voldemort was ripped from his body, after attempting to kill Harry Potter, and though unable to die, was not able to regain a permanent and physical body, thus spending the intervening 14 years a shell, less than the meanest ghost, but alive. He was finally killed by his own backfiring curse after Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, following Dumbledore's death, succeeded in destroying all of his Horcruxes.

More information: Radio Australia

Tom Riddle's broken and mutilated soul was then trapped in Limbo for eternity, unable to move on to the afterlife or even return as a disembodied spirit. Unknown to most however, Lord Voldemort's legacy and blood would live on through his daughter Delphini, whom he conceived with his loyal follower Bellatrix Lestrange. Delphini was conceived sometime after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and before Voldemort's death at the hands of Harry Potter.

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
Tom Marvolo Riddle was born on 31 December, 1926 at Wool's Orphanage in London. His pure-blood mother, Merope Gaunt staggered to the door of the orphanage, had Tom born in there, and died shortly after his birth.  

Tom Riddle grew up in a dingy orphanage, completely unaware of his wizarding heritage. Since the Muggle orphanage staff did not know anything about his mother, they did not know about his magical background. Instead, they believed that Merope was a circus worker, as Mrs Cole told Albus Dumbledore shortly before his first meeting with Tom. It is unknown whether or not the orphanage staff relayed this to Tom before his first encounter with Dumbledore.

Despite his ignorance of his mother's true background, Tom did have some grasp on his abilities beyond that of normal magical children of his same age, however, and an unusually high degree of control over them. Tom could move objects with his mind and cause them to travel floating wherever he wished, manipulate animals and creatures as he wished, speak Parseltongue, and use his power to inflict harm on other orphans. 

More information: The Gamer

After getting into a fight with fellow orphan Billy Stubbs, he used his powers to hang the boy's rabbit from the rafters. On one occasion, he took two orphans, Dennis Bishop and Amy Benson, into a cave, where he performed an act so horrifying that the two orphans were traumatised into silence. 

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
Young Tom Riddle also stole from other orphans and hid their things in his cupboard like trophies. Albus Dumbledore later stopped him from this hobby. Dumbledore ordered Tom to return the stolen items to their rightful owners and apologise for his sins, and that he had the means to determine whether or not Tom fulfilled Dumbledore's orders. Dumbledore also strictly warned Riddle to stop his misbehaviour as Hogwarts had an honour code whereupon lying, cheating and stealing were not tolerated. 

om was educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was Sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin himself. During summer breaks, he was forced to return to the Muggle orphanage, which he despised and dreaded more than any other place on earth.

More information: The Richest

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Tom became obsessed with his heritage and began researching it with an insatiable hunger. While researching his heritage, Riddle focused solely on who his father was, thinking him to be the magical parent, as he felt his mother could not have been a witch if she had died. 

He searched for his father's name in the school trophy room, in the records of Hogwarts prefects and in records of wizarding history, but found nothing to suggest his father had even attended Hogwarts. He was eventually forced to accept that his father was the Muggle parent, and that his mother was the magical one. It was around this time that Tom Marvolo Riddle gave himself the alias Lord Voldemort, to spare himself of the reminder of his filthy Muggle father.

Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort
After graduating, Tom immediately approached Armando Dippet and asked him for a chance to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, and to remain at Hogwarts, for reasons that he did not confide with the then-headmaster, Hogwarts being his true home at heart, using the influential position as a teacher to recruit students into his future army, and to continue to penetrate the castle's magical secrets. Dippet rejected this offer, deeming the boy too young, but invited Tom to reapply in a few years, if he was still interested in the post, something that Dumbledore heavily advised against.

After his death, Voldemort's body was moved to a separate chamber away from the Great Hall. It is unknown what happened to it afterwards, but it can be assumed that his body was disposed of. Meanwhile Voldemort's mutilated soul was trapped in Limbo for eternity, as the soul is meant to stay whole and intact. Because of the destruction done to his soul he was unable to move on or return to the land of the living as a ghost. After his confirmed death, the wizarding world at large seemed to be able to speak his name without any more fear. 

More information: Bustle

Avada Kedavra!

Lord Voldemort

Wednesday 28 March 2018


Sirius Black
Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot or Snuffles, in his Animagus form, was a pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, and the brother of Regulus Black.

Sirius was a tall, well-built, darkly handsome man with fair skin, long, lustrous black hair, striking grey eyes, and an air of casual elegance. This vestige of aristocratic beauty is apparently an attribute passed down through the Black Family. When Harry entered into Snape's memory, he saw a fifteen-year-old Sirius finishing his exams while being ogled by a girl who sat a few rows behind him, due to his considerable good looks and casual yet elegant attitude.

More information: Pottermore (I)

Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was Sorted into Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As the rest of his family had been in Slytherin, he was the odd one out.

Sirius Black
As Sirius' relationship with his relatives deteriorated, he gained lifelong friendship in James Potter and Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew was a friend as well for ten years. The four friends, also known as the Marauders, joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War. 

Sirius was named the godfather of Harry James Potter, the only son of James and Lily Potter. When Pettigrew betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, Sirius sought to exact revenge on Pettigrew. However, Pettigrew was able to frame Sirius for his betrayal of the Potters, the murder of twelve Muggles, and the staged murder of Pettigrew before Sirius could accomplish this.

More information: Pottermore (II)

Sirius was sent to Azkaban, and after twelve years became the only known person to escape the prison unassisted by transforming into his Animagus form of a massive black dog confused with a Grim, an omen said to cause death.  

Sirius Black
Sirius exposed Pettigrew's treachery to his old friend Remus and his godson. After Lord Voldemort returned, Sirius rejoined the Order. 

He was murdered by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and subsequently cleared of all charges by the Ministry of Magic, though he was too late to enjoy his freedom. He briefly appeared again to Harry through the Resurrection Stone, along with James and Lily Potter, and Remus Lupin. Harry later named his first son James Sirius Potter after him and his best friend James Potter I.

More information: HP Lexicon

Sirius was the last remaining heir of the House of Black, a once-notable pure-blood wizarding family. His parents, Orion and Walburga, were both Blacks by birth and second cousins. Sirius had a younger brother, Regulus, who died after turning against Lord Voldemort by attempting to destroy his Horcruxes. He was killed by the Inferi guarding one of his Horcruxes, although Sirius did not know this. Sirius did not share a close relationship with his brother, calling him a better son than himself.

Sirius Black
Sirius is a traditional Black family name, recurring in at least three generations and following a family tradition of naming children after stars, constellations, and galaxies. 

The names Cygnus, Arcturus, and Regulus have also occurred at least twice each. Notably, however, only one Sirius, the subject's great-grandfather, left a line of descent, which ended with the youngest Sirius, as he did not have children.

The Black family believed strongly in pure-blood elitism. They refused to consort with Muggles or Muggle-borns, Squibs and blood traitors and even disowned Squib family members, such as Sirius' great-uncle Marius Black, and insisted that their family members only marry within respectable pure-blood classes; because of these beliefs, they were forced to marry their own cousins. They also held the Dark Arts in reverence.

More information: Hello Giggles

Sirius rejected these values, leading to conflict with his family. He even put permanent-sticking charms on Gryffindor banners, as well as pictures of Muggle girls in bikinis, and motorcycles, and a picture of himself and his Gryffindor friends on the walls of his room to emphasise his differences from the family and annoy his parents. When his cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa made the desirable pure-blood marriages, to Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy respectively, Sirius held them in contempt. His favourite cousin, Andromeda, was disowned by the family as a blood traitor when she married Ted Tonks, a Muggle-born wizard.

Sirius Black
Sirius would later share this designation and was held in contempt, even hatred, by some members of his family. 

However, in his later life, Sirius established friendships with his first cousin once removed, Nymphadora Tonks, as well as his godson Harry Potter, whom he loved as a son, Harry's best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, his third cousin and his distant cousins in the Weasley family. He was distantly related to Arthur.

After leaving school, Sirius fought against Lord Voldemort, eventually joining the Order of the Phoenix. He and James were involved in a motorbike chase with two policemen. Although the chase started off as a bit of fun, it turned slightly more serious when the pair were attacked by three men on broomsticks. Sirius and James used their wands to raise the police car that had been chasing them, and their attackers crashed into it. It is unknown whether they got into trouble with the Ministry of Magic.

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Sirius was arrested by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and sentenced by Barty Crouch Snr to life imprisonment in Azkaban without a trial for mass-murder with the Blasting Curse, giving the information about the Potters' whereabouts which lead to their death and service to Lord Voldemort. 

Sirius Black
The surviving Muggles were Obliviated and given an excuse by the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee that a gas-leak occurred before they could remember who really cast the Blasting Curse. Pettigrew was unjustly awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class for his confrontation with Sirius, which, along with the finger that they recovered, were posthumously given to his mother. As the time passed, due to misconceptions, many believed that Black drew his wand and killed Pettigrew before the other had a chance of even drawing. Even the other remaining Marauder, Remus, believed it was Sirius who betrayed their brotherhood.

More information: Muggle Net

Sirius became the first known person ever to escape from Azkaban. After receiving an issue of the Daily Prophet from Cornelius Fudge during an inspection, he discovered that Pettigrew was indeed hiding in his Animagus form as Ron Weasley's pet rat, Scabbers. 

Sirius Black
Filled with the desire for revenge and concern for Harry, Sirius took his Animagus form and, thinned from malnourishment, was able to slip through the bars of his cell and past the Dementors. He swam across the North Sea back to the mainland and to freedom.

Tragically, however, during a frenzied duel with his hated cousin Bellatrix, Sirius was struck with an unknown spell causing him to fall through the Veil in the Death Chamber to his death. It would be years before Harry could fully come to terms with the loss of his godfather, who, as Dumbledore flatly stated, was the closest thing to a parent Harry had ever known. Harry Potter blamed himself for Sirius' death.

More information: Community Spark Notes

Black was one of the four shadows that were summoned by the Resurrection Stone to speak to Harry as he went to what he believed to be his death. Black assured his godson that dying was not painful, that it was faster and easier then falling asleep. 

He also promised Harry that he and the others would stay with him as he went to confront Lord Voldemort and would stay to the very end. When Harry reached the fire, he allowed the stone to slip from Harry's hand, thus his parents, Sirius, and Lupin vanished. Harry later gave his first son the middle name Sirius to honour his godfather's memory.

More information: Insider

We've all got both light and dark inside us. 
What matters is the part we choose to act on. 
That's who we really are. 

Sirius Black