Wednesday 4 May 2016


The Poppins
Today, The Poppins have lived an unforgettable day. First, they’ve studied how to use Shall in the polite questions and when to use So or Such. After that, they’ve talked about the importance of filling all the gaps in a web curriculum and about the importance of creating a good networking.

More information: Shall & So/Such

Next, the most important moment has arrived when Cristina Poppins has announced her decision of leaving the family and returning to Águeda, her hometown in Portugal. The family doesn’t know the real ideas of this decision but, of course, they respect and accept it and all of them have encouraged her to follow her new dream.

More information: Portugal's Umbrella Art

Involved by the emotion of the moment, the family hasn’t paid attention to Laura Poppins, who is missing since yesterday. Later, when the excitement of Cristina’s moment has finished, they have started to think in Laura and her possible unknown situation. Eli Poppins, like a detective, has the responsibility of finding Laura and the rest of the family is going to help her in this new search.

 There's a sad sort of clanging
from the clock in the hall
and the bells in the steeple, too.
Coo-coo. Regretfully they tell us.
Coo-coo. But firmly they compel us
to say good bye.

The Von Trapp Family, The Sound of Music

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