Wednesday 15 May 2024


Today, The Grandma has received wonderful news from Mayte, her closer friend who is visiting some beautiful Valencian towns and places. Today, she has visited Benassal in Castelló.

Benassal is a small village offering plenty to do and explore. This is a destination where you can dedicate time to your wellbeing, do some excellent walking and treat yourself to some delicious traditional dishes that are slowly cooked using local products.

Benassal is best known for its water. Having been in contact with the earth for centuries, its therapeutic properties have drawn visitors seeking to benefit from its healing powers to the village for years. But beyond hydrotherapy, Benassal and its surroundings have no shortage of things to see and do.

The village's origins date to the 13th century. Over the years, the locals have taken care to protect their architectural and cultural heritage and safeguard local traditions -both popular and religious- that make for a vibrant events calendar. The best place to start your exploration of Benassal is the historic centre. Take a stroll around the streets and visit sights such as the communal oven (dating to Medieval times), Torre del Bulc, the wash house, the remains of the defence wall and towers.

The next place on your to-visit list is Edifici de la Mola which currently houses Museu Arqueològic de l'Alt Maestrat (the archaeological museum) and Fundació Carles Salvador. The museum displays remains that date back all the way to prehistoric times, giving you a glimpse at what life used to be like in and around Benassal. L'església de l'Assumpció is also worth stopping to take a look at. It has a beautiful Baroque façade and a large collection of gold objects.

And then there are the hiking routes. Wherever you step foot in Benassal, you will be immersed in history. You could walk from Benassal to Culla through Canto, an old school that was built to represent the ideals of liberty and culture. Another option is to visit Rivet de Benassal, a micro reserve located close to woodland inhabited by oak and kermes oak trees. A third choice is to walk to Castell de Corbó, a watchtower affording spectacular views. Legend has it that treasure is buried here.

Not far away from here is Font d'en Segures, the source of the town's famous waters. Here you can pour yourself a bottle of the mineral water and take great photos of the unique building housing the spring.

Benassal is also a land of festivals. Festividad de Sant Cristòfol is a religious pilgrimage that starts before Whitsun Monday. During the festivities, les primes, traditional decorated cakes, are shared among everyone present.

And that's not all. Every year homage is paid to Sant Antoni Abat with a number of events including the blessing of the animals and traditional dances. Coquetes and rotllo are eaten and barreja is drunk. Festa de la Torxa, meanwhile, celebrates traditional ways of making a living. 

Historically, the textiles made in Benassal were taken to València to be sold. The merchants would return with torches (torxa in Catalan) that would light the streets of the village all year round.

More information: Komoot

Thousands have lived without love,
not one without water.
W. H. Auden

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