Friday 24 December 2021


December, 24 and The Grandma continues practising one of her most favourite cultural events, The Song of the Sybil. Due to the COVID19, this year is not possible to listen to this liturgical drama in Barcelona, but The Grandma wants to talk again about it, and about its great meaning and cultural importance.
The Song of the Sibyl, in Catalan El Cant de la Sibil·la, is a liturgical drama and a Gregorian chant, the lyrics of which comprise a prophecy describing the Apocalypse, which has been performed in churches on Mallorca in Balearic Islands, Alghero in Sardinia, and some Catalan churches, in the Catalan language on Christmas Eve nearly uninterruptedly since medieval times.

It was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on 16 November 2010.

El jorn del judici
parrà el qui no haurà fet servici.

Jesucrist, Rei universal,
homo i ver Déu eternal,
del cel vindrà per a jutjar
i a cada un lo just darà.

Ans que el judici no serà,
un gran senyal se mostrarà:
La terra gitarà suor
i tremirà de gran paor.

Terratrèmol tan gran serà
que les torres derrocarà;
les pedres per mig se rompran
i les muntanyes se fondran.

Los puigs i plans seran igual.
Allà seran los bons i mals,
reis, ducs, comtes i barons,
que de sos fets retran raons.

Gran foc del cel davallarà,
mar, fonts i rius, tot cremarà.

Los peixos donaran gran crit,
perdent son natural delit.

El sol perdrà la claredat,
mostrant-se fosc i alterat;
la lluna no darà claror
i tot lo món serà tristor.

Après vindrà, terriblement,
lo Fill de Déu Omnipotent:
de morts i vius judicarà;
qui bé haurà fet, allí es veurà.

Als bons dirà: -Fills meus, veniu,
benaventurats, posseïu
el regne que us està aparellat
des que el món va ésser creat.

Als mals dirà molt agrament:
—Anau, maleïts, an el torment;
anau, anau al foc etern
amb vostro príncep de lo infern.

Humil verge qui haveu parit
Jesús infant en esta nit,
vullau a vòtron Fill pregar
que de l'infern vulga'ns lliurar.

El jorn del judici
parrà el qui no haurà fet servici.

An eternal king will come
Dressed in our mortal flesh:
He will come from heaven certainly
To pass judgement on the century.

Before judgement is passed
A great sign will show itself:
The sun will lose its shine
The earth will tremble with fear.

After will come mighty thunder
A sign of great wrath:
In an infernal confusion
Lightning and cries will resound.

A great fire will come down from heaven
In a stink of sulphur
And the earth will burn furiously
And great terror will afflict people.

After will come the terrible signal
Of a great earthquake
As rocks shatter
And mountains collapse.

Then no-one will have pieces of gold
Silver or riches,
And everyone will await
The sentence.

Death will leave them without a penny,
And will crush them all:
There will remain only men in tears,
And sadness will cover the world.

The plains and peaks will be all the same,
Good and evil will reach them both,
Kings, dukes, counts and barons
Will have to account for their actions.

And then will come impressively
The Son of God omnipotent,
He will judge the dead and the living,
The good will go to Heaven.

Children not yet born
Will cry from their mother's wombs,
And with the crying say:
"Help us, God, omnipotent".

Mother of God, pray for us,
You, the Mother of sinners,
May the sentence be merciful,
May Paradise be open to us.

You, who listen to everything,
Pray God with all devotion,
With all your heart and fervour,
That we should be saved.

I'm very proud of my heritage
and the blood that runs through my veins.
I take a lot of strength from that.

Robert Whittaker

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