Wednesday 11 May 2016


Today, The Poppins have studied some modal verbs like Must and Need and have revised Should. They have done some exercises about Social English and they’ve chosen which model of exam they want to do.

More information: Must & Need

The family, which is still in Scotland, wanted to start to search Nessie but the latest news about Eurovision Song Contest have changed their plans. Isa from Malta, Lulú from Russia, Carmen from Czech Republic and M.José from The Netherlands have arrived to the final, which will be celebrated next Saturday in Stockholm (Sweden).

More information: Eurovision Song Festival 2016

The Grandma has talked about using some kind of tools to search an employment and about their utility and reliability. She has put like an example the case of her old friend Ofèlia Puig, who is a great fan of social networks. She has tried to explain that the most important thing in a job searching is the own person and, maybe, the tools aren’t sometimes as useful and honest as we think but nevertheless we must try it.

Finally, Tonyi Poppins in her name and in Irina's has answered lots of questions about her participation and experience in Eurovision Song Contest.

Tomorrow, they’re preparing Nessie’s searching and they’re starting to work with connectors and prepositions.

Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table.
It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.

Louise Hart

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