Monday 8 June 2015


Felipe Addams in Lisbon, Portugal
Felipe was born in Sintra, Portugal, the home country of other famous people like Mísia, Fernando Pessoa, Amália Rodrigues and Dulce Pontes. Felipe is an inventor and his reference has been always the great Leonardo da Vinci. This is the reason because of he wanted to visit Firenze (Florence) accompanied by all The Addams Family.

Now, he is travelling with his family around the world. It’s very important for him because this travel is a source of inspiration and creation of new ideas, something very important for an inventor. He is very young and knows that in the future, he will be considered one of the most important creators of the history.


Quem não pode como quer, queira como pode.
Do as you may, if you can’t do as you could.

Portuguese Proverb

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