Friday 24 February 2017


Ready to enjoy the Canarian Carnival
The Bonds have just arrived to Tenerife Island in Canary Islands. They are going to stay four days in the island enjoying the carnival, one of the most famous around the world.

There are three kinds of carnival. For one hand, you can enjoy the pro-protest carnival, where people wear different costumes and are critic with real characters o situations, especially, politics and religious. You can find this carnival in places like Vilanova i la GeltrĂș or Sitges, in Barcelona. For other hand, you can enjoy another carnival, a great coloured-party where people sing and dance without stopping. You can find this carnival in places like Rio de Janeiro in Brazil or Tenerife Island in Canary Islands and finally, there is Venice. Venice is Venice.

Carnival is a synonymous of costumes and fake identities, and this is the reason because of the family is starting to prepare their own fake profiles.

The Bonds have wanted to visit the lucky islands because of Montse Bond, who has an old friend in the island, Nikka and she wished to visit her but they're not only going to participate in the carnivale, the family wants to climb up Teide, the Canarian volcano and visits two more islands: Hierro and La Palma, two volcanic islands very important for the future of the planet.

These two visits are the reason because of The Bonds are assisting in that moment to a conference about occupational hazards. They want to climb up volcanoes and walk across high dangerous sismic zones and they need to know as things as it was possible about protection against these dangers.

Next Monday, The Grandma is going to talk about ecology, nature and colours to prepare a new day about environment.

It's a party that's being organized; it's not a protest. 
The carnival is not like it was a long time ago. 
Before it was do as you like, take to the streets.
Michel Martelly

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